Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Free Essays on Mexico City

LA FAMILIA† Lo primero que deben reconocer los padres cuando tienen su primer hijo es que se enfrentan a una de las tareas ms difà ­ciles del mundo: la educacià ³n de un hijo, para la cual nadie los preparà ³. Al planear la educacià ³n de sus hijos, los padres deben aceptar otras realidades, adems de la anterior, como: Que son seres humanos, de ahà ­ su imperfeccià ³n. Cometen errores e injusticias con sus hijos, pierden la paciencia y no siempre tienen la constancia que requiere una buena disciplina; pero esto no significa que sus errores sean irreparables ni que con ellos daà ±en a sus hijos. Se debe educar sin angustias y sin sentimientos de culpa. Cada nià ±o es diferente y, por tanto, requiere distintos grados de disciplina y atencià ³n; de cualquier forma se debe ser flexible y adaptarse a las necesidades educativas de el nià ±o. Ame intensamente a su hijo y le ser fcil educarlo. No es verdad que se eche a perder por exceso de amor. Se hace por carià ±o mal entendido y mal aplicado, no limite su atencià ³n. Con mucho amor y un poco de buena voluntad cualquier hombre o mujer puede convertirse en buen padre o madre, aplicando unas cuantas reglas prcticas que le voy a dar. Recuerde que la disciplina y educacià ³n deben iniciarse desde que nace el nià ±o. Sin embargo, nunca es tarde para empezar, y mucho menos para corregir errores que se cometieron en el pasado. Reglas Bsicas: 1.- Fije là ­mites muy claros, de principio a fin. Para que el nià ±o u adolescente se sienta seguro, debe aceptar el principio de autoridad, saber que hay alguien mayor quien le indica lo que debe hacer. 2.- En la cuna, el bebà © aprende pronto que sus padres no van a levantarlo cada vez que llore. Si est seco, limpio, cà ³modo y alimentado, no hay motivo para ello. 3.- El adolescente, por su parte, debe aprender que no puede ir a una fiesta sin el permiso de sus padres, y debe volver a la hora fijada por ellos. 4.-Si hay varios chicos en casa, y a... Free Essays on Mexico City Free Essays on Mexico City LA FAMILIA† Lo primero que deben reconocer los padres cuando tienen su primer hijo es que se enfrentan a una de las tareas ms difà ­ciles del mundo: la educacià ³n de un hijo, para la cual nadie los preparà ³. Al planear la educacià ³n de sus hijos, los padres deben aceptar otras realidades, adems de la anterior, como: Que son seres humanos, de ahà ­ su imperfeccià ³n. Cometen errores e injusticias con sus hijos, pierden la paciencia y no siempre tienen la constancia que requiere una buena disciplina; pero esto no significa que sus errores sean irreparables ni que con ellos daà ±en a sus hijos. Se debe educar sin angustias y sin sentimientos de culpa. Cada nià ±o es diferente y, por tanto, requiere distintos grados de disciplina y atencià ³n; de cualquier forma se debe ser flexible y adaptarse a las necesidades educativas de el nià ±o. Ame intensamente a su hijo y le ser fcil educarlo. No es verdad que se eche a perder por exceso de amor. Se hace por carià ±o mal entendido y mal aplicado, no limite su atencià ³n. Con mucho amor y un poco de buena voluntad cualquier hombre o mujer puede convertirse en buen padre o madre, aplicando unas cuantas reglas prcticas que le voy a dar. Recuerde que la disciplina y educacià ³n deben iniciarse desde que nace el nià ±o. Sin embargo, nunca es tarde para empezar, y mucho menos para corregir errores que se cometieron en el pasado. Reglas Bsicas: 1.- Fije là ­mites muy claros, de principio a fin. Para que el nià ±o u adolescente se sienta seguro, debe aceptar el principio de autoridad, saber que hay alguien mayor quien le indica lo que debe hacer. 2.- En la cuna, el bebà © aprende pronto que sus padres no van a levantarlo cada vez que llore. Si est seco, limpio, cà ³modo y alimentado, no hay motivo para ello. 3.- El adolescente, por su parte, debe aprender que no puede ir a una fiesta sin el permiso de sus padres, y debe volver a la hora fijada por ellos. 4.-Si hay varios chicos en casa, y a...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

List of All Elements Considered to Be Metals

List of All Elements Considered to Be Metals Most elements are metals. This group includes the alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, transition metals, basic metals, lanthanides (rare earth elements), and actinides. Although separate on the periodic table, the lanthanides and actinides are really specific types of transition metals. Heres a list of all the elements on the periodic table that are metals. Alkali Metals The alkali metals are in group IA on the far left side of the periodic table. They are highly reactive elements, distinctive because of their 1 oxidation state and generally low density compared with other metals. Because they are so reactive, these elements are found in compounds. Only hydrogen is found free in nature as a pure element, and that is as diatomic hydrogen gas. Hydrogen in its metallic state (usually considered a nonmetal)​LithiumSodiumPotassiumRubidiumCesiumFrancium Alkaline Earth Metals The alkaline earth metals are found in group IIA of the periodic table, which is the second column of elements. All of the alkaline earth metal atoms have a 2 oxidation state. Like the alkali metals, these elements are found in compounds rather than pure form. The alkaline earths are reactive but less so than the alkali metals. Group IIA metals are hard and shiny and usually malleable and ductile. BerylliumMagnesiumCalciumStrontiumBariumRadium Basic Metals The basic metals display the characteristics people generally associate with the term metal. They conduct heat and electricity, have a metallic luster, and tend to be dense, malleable, and ductile. However, these elements start to display some nonmetallic characteristics. For example, one allotrope of tin behaves more as a nonmetal. While most metals are hard, lead and gallium are examples of elements that are soft. These elements tend to have lower melting and boiling points than the transition metals (with some exceptions). AluminumGalliumIndiumTinThalliumLeadBismuthNihonium: probably a basic metalFlerovium:  probably a basic metalMoscovium: probably a basic metalLivermorium: probably a basic metalTennessine: in the halogen group but may behave more like a metalloid or metal Transition Metals The transition metals are characterized by having partially filled d or f electron subshells. Since the shell is incompletely filled, these elements display multiple oxidation states and often produce colored complexes. Some transition metals occur in pure or native form, such as gold, copper, and silver. The lanthanides and actinides are found  only in compounds in nature. ScandiumTitaniumVanadiumChromiumManganeseIronCobaltNickelCopperZincYttriumZirconiumNiobiumMolybdenumTechnetiumRutheniumRhodiumPalladiumSilverCadmiumLanthanumHafniumTantalumTungstenRheniumOsmiumIridiumPlatinumGoldMercuryActiniumRutherfordiumDubniumSeaborgiumBohriumHassiumMeitneriumDarmstadtiumRoentgeniumCoperniciumCeriumPraseodymiumNeodymiumPromethiumSamariumEuropiumGadoliniumTerbiumDysprosiumHolmiumErbiumThuliumYtterbiumLutetiumThoriumProtactiniumUraniumNeptuniumPlutoniumAmericiumCuriumBerkeliumCaliforniumEinsteiniumFermiumMendeleviumNobeliumLawrencium More About Metals In general, metals are located on the left-hand side of the periodic table, decreasing in metallic character moving up and to the right. Depending on conditions, elements belonging to the metalloid group may behave like metals. In addition, even nonmetals may be metals. For example, in certain situations, you may find metallic oxygen or metallic carbon.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Diabetes in the Young Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Diabetes in the Young - Research Paper Example Pathophysiology of Type 2 Diabetes Research of type 2 diabetes in the young adults and children continues to provide insightful information about the pathophysiology of the disease. Qualified researchers attribute susceptibility to the disease to both genetic and environmental factors (Eppens & Craig, 2006). Inherited genes might predispose an individual to a combination of failure of beta-cell secretion and insensitivity to insulin produced (Eppens & Craig, 2006). This means that individuals with a history of this disease have increased chances of contracting it compared to individuals with no record of type 2 diabetes in their family. 45-80% of these children have a parent suffering from type 2 diabetes. 74-90% of the reported children cases show that they have the 1st or 2nd degree relative suffering from the disease (Eppens & Craig, 2006). Some researchers might also argue that women have a higher chance of contracting the disease than men (Eppens & Craig, 2006). Other genetic fa ctors that increase the person’s susceptibility to the disease are intrauterine exposure to diabetes, puberty, low birth-weight, and ethnicity (Eppens & Craig, 2006). ... For example, the continuous advancement in the technology industry induces laziness among the young adults and children, who would rather engage themselves in computer games indoors instead of riding a bicycle outside. As a result, the levels of obesity among the young have skyrocketed over the years, increasing their chances of developing type 2 diabetes (Kaufman, 2002). Obesity affects the body by overworking all the organs. In addition, the high cholesterol levels also clog up the blood vessels, causing a disruption in the supply of essential enzymes and nutrients in the body (Kaufman, 2002). Brief literature review focusing on current research The American Pediatric Board described type 2 diabetes as the new epidemic affecting the pediatric population. The incidence and prevalence rates have increased by 33% between 1990 and 2000 (Kaufman, 2002). Research shows that the disease accounted for 16% of new pediatric diabetes recorded in the urban areas in 1992, and by 1999 the record s showed up to 8- 45 % increase in new cases as per the geographic location (Kaufman, 2002). Further research reveals that ethnicity plays a crucial role in the susceptibility patterns of the disease. Mainly people of African-American, Native-American, Asian-American, and Mexican-American descent suffer from type 2 diabetes. For example, African-American children represent 70-75% of new pediatric patients of type 2 diabetes in Ohio and Arkansas (Kaufman, 2002). Very limited information is available about effective evidence-based treatment. However, National Institute of Health has recently disbursed funding to a multicenter consortium charged with the responsibility of determining the outcomes of the different treatment regimens

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Summary of Peer Reviews of the Protagnonsts on Frankenstein Essay

Summary of Peer Reviews of the Protagnonsts on Frankenstein - Essay Example The thread depicts that these protagonists are similar, because they all covet something that is missing in their lives, but having what they want does not make them happy at all, and instead, they have lost everything in the end. The majority of the class agree that Victor and Frankenstein are similar in many ways, where the creator and created become one in motivations and consequences. Victor and Frankenstein are the same, because of their thirst for knowledge. Several students assert that Victor is hungry for knowledge, so he yearns to learn the ultimate knowledge, the ability to create life like a God. At the same time, Frankenstein shares the same need for additional knowledge. Like his master, however, the further he learns, the more he realizes how physically revolting he is and how little happiness and acceptance he can find in human society. The irony is that the more these protagonists acquire knowledge, the more miserable they become. Keri stresses the irony of both learn ing the highest kind of knowledge and still ending up being more miserable because of it: â€Å"At the apex of his learning, when he discovers the genesis of life, he becomes most miserable.† The same also happens to Frankenstein. ... Victor’s and Frankenstein’s self-loathing also leads to destructive paths that have destroyed them and the people around them. Victor and the monster are also comparable, because of their self-loathing for the consequences of their actions. Victor lives in agony, because he knows that his poor choices have caused tragedy for his family and himself. The monster also loathes himself and Victor, so he acts against his master’s family instead. Frankenstein’s loathing can be seen as a spillover of Victor’s loathing, and this vicious cycle harms Victor to a greater extent as the novel progresses. Darci makes an interesting point when she highlights the difference between Victor and Frankenstein’s self-loathing. For her, Victor brought his misery upon himself, while Frankenstein was a victim of his creator and other external circumstances. In the end, Victor is still the main person to be blamed for the tragedy in their lives. Several students react on Keri’s observation that Walton and Frankenstein are also similar, because they both need companionship due to their loneliness, and yet they do not find anyone who can truly be there for them as friends. Keri focuses on the similarity between Walton and Frankenstein, which other students have not pointed out, because the latter both need someone to love and they similarly look up to Victor to â€Å"end their loneliness.† Stephen and Raymond agree with Keri that loneliness is a primary similarity for Walton and the monster, while Randall and Taylor note the importance of looking not only at what characters look like, but also â€Å"what they want.† Their driving force for companionship

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Manage Operational Plan Essay Example for Free

Manage Operational Plan Essay 1. The Types of Matters in a Human Resource Plan Human resources is directly related to the performance of the organisation identifying and planning for training can be linked to many corporate processes performance as the underlying basis of many organisational and human resources programs. 1.1 Some matters of the human resource and their solutions 1.1.1 Human resource issues in counsel and the possible solution Counselling is definitely one service that can help to manage themselves manager should be trained in same basic counselling skills a counsellor can in sever age core capacities of employees. It can help employees increase their self-awareness regarding their thinking patterns and behavioural tendencies. 1.1.2 Human resource issues in employment management and the possible solution The sources of training need provide a diversity and complexity of training requirements to be at practice level you should be managing coordinating the training necessary to satisfy all the needs all the personnel in training should be skilled. 1.1.3 Human resource issues in Administration and the possible solution Recruitment is another traditional area high quality candidate’s should be attracted to the positions the person and position requirements should clearly established. A variety of selection methods appropriate to the situation should be used like entrance tests an interview. 1.1.4 Human resource issues in training and the possible solution Administration is function of human resource management is to be provide the employees with the capability to manage healthcare, record,à ‚  keeping, promotion, benefits etc. the function in terms of employes benefit is to create management system to achieve long term goals plans it requires the exercise of analytic ability and application of substantial knowledge of principals. 2. Job Description of Human Resource Plan Duties and Responsibilities; * Recruiting and staffing logistics * Performance management and improvement tracking system * Record keeping * Assisting with employees relationship * Employee safety and so many- prepare sales action plans and schedules assist, develop and maintain sales and promotional materials make sales calls to new and existing clients assist, develop and make presentations of company products and services to current and potential clients negotiate with clients maintain sales activity records and reports ensure customer service satisfaction and good client relationships follow up on sales activity assist, conduct market research and surveys Skills and Abilities; Excellent computer skills including word and excel Effective oral and written communications skills knowledge of employment laws good interpersonal skills skills in database management Be ready and able to work within a team. Have a polite, helpful manner Education bachelor degree Experience 1 or 2 years of general business 3. Preparing a Job Advertisement A job advertisement should be contained various information these can include; Job title Wage Working area, place Working hours Skills, knowledge and attitude we needed Qualifications and experience we needed Contact name and number of someone who is from our Human Resource Department. 3.1 Job Advertisement for tycoon Company Tycoon Trading Company Sales Department; Salary: $ 55.000 annual Working hours: 9:00 am-5:00 pm (Monday to Friday) Our company is located in western suburb close to city and all public transport. As a small business company we are looking for an intellectual, a creative, qualified and at least two years sales experienced person who must use all office programs professionally especially MS Excel, provide good communication with customers and also must assist to someone else about one of our new product in our company. A person who can enjoy challenges and working towards targets has ability to exceed customers expectation Contact no. 02345678(aren) 4. Detail the Cost of Hiring an Employee Cost of detail of our office person contains; Employee background screening Advertising Relocation pay Time for interviewing Travel expenses Training costs Taxation and wages Human resources paperwork about employee Survey and monitoring processes’ cost for employee Job offer calls by phone or job offer letter by mail Employee back ground investigation and make phone calls to its former company 5. Selection Criteria and interview Questions 5.1 Selection criteria from the sales position Understanding of the role Qualities and Quantities research skills Communication and negotiation skills Organisation and Planning Confidence and presentation skills Decision making 5.2 Interview Questions 1. Tell me who are the main stakeholders in our business and describe the task of job that you understand? 2. How can use the qualities and quantities research skills in this position? Can you give me an example about these skills which you have used before in former job? 3. How will you build good relationships with your team members? 4. How will you satisfy dissatisfied customers? 5. Tell me what is your daily schedule position in job? 6. Now I want you to try to sell me something. Try to convince me to buy this coffee to drink. 7. Which advertising methods do you use to present a new product to create an attract attention for our customers. 8. Can you give me a specific example of an occasion when you took on extra responsibility or showed initiative in improving an aspect of work? 9. Describe the most challenging problem that you have had to solve, and what you took into account. 6. Reference Checking It is a process of authenticating the information supplied to potential employer by a job applicant in his resume, application and interviews it ensure the employer that the candidate has background and experience as he claims it includes and takes usually 20 or 30 minutes to complete. It is a control process provides past information of employee and asks questions two or three people who directly managed the candidate about employees’ skill and knowledge for requested position, relationship with other team members it includes verification of academic credentials ,verification of prior employment, testing to confirm skill, criminal background check To make a reference checking about regarding person will be good in term of employer. For this reason the human resource department of tycoon International Trading Company prepares some questions to make a reference checking on former jobs and positions of regarding person on the its ex-companies. Our reference checking questions are generally consisting of; When did related person work for your company? Could you confirm starting and ending employment dates? When did s/he leave the company? Why did related person leave the company? What was her/his starting and ending salary? What was her/his position? Can you describe the job responsibilities? Did person supervise other employees? How effectively? If I spoke to those employees, how do you think they would describe person’s management style? How did person handle conflict? How about pressure? Stress ? Did you evaluate person’s performance? Can you speak to his/her strong and weak points? What was person’s biggest accomplishment while working for your company? If I describe the position we are hiring for what, could you describe how good a fit you think person would be for the position? Can you describe this persons experience working as a member of a team? Is there anything I havent asked that you would like to share with me? 7. Preparing a Job Offer Date 03/08/2011 Tina Odett and 1/48 Ambrie Crt.Noble Park 3174 Melbourne/Australia Dear Mrs raj It is my pleasure to extend the following offer of employment to you on behalf of tycoon trading company the offer is contingent upon your passing of requirements. The position we are offering is that of Sales Assistant at a salary of $55,000 per year This position reports to Mrs Lela who is a supervisor. Your working hours will be from 08:30 am to 05:30 pm on normal workdays. This is a permanent position. Benefits Information if relevant to the position: Working hours 9:00 to 5:00pm Position – permanent Salary- paid fortnight Bonus- on satisfaction completion of first 90 days of employment Vacation _2_ weeks per annum Probation Period from 15/08/2011 to 15/11/2011 Employee Benefits Include: Group Insurance Short/Long Term Disability Dental Care Health care Your employment with tycoon trading company is at will and either party can terminate the relationship at any time with or without cause and notice if you are in agreement with the above outline please sign. We are confident you will be able to make a significant contribution to the success of our Sales Department and look forward to working with you. Signature Date.. For company manager name. Date. Human resources Date.. I accept the offer as outlined above this 8 day of August,2011. Tina Odett 8. Mentoring and Coaching Program for the New Staff Member A mentor helps employee’s development and also provides some advices on  career path. On the other hand a coach observes employee’s work and actions, and provides related teaching skills. A coach can come from same division in a work place for example from company’s personnel or manager. As a manager, I can also be a coach for my new and current employees. And as a coach, I can give my time and attention to my employees and I can help them master their work and grow their own knowledge and skills. Also, I can ensure them extend their learning capabilities and improve their self-development. On the other hand, for the role of the mentor I can provide my new employees to reach their highest potential in the business. I can arrange for them individual or organizational group mentoring programs. 9. Three months’ probation review It is a 3 month period from the date of commencement of employment whether the employer assesses suitability of employee for the role and employee has an opportunity to determine if the role meets their needs. Probation period has been formed as 3 months in our Human Resources Plan to provide a review and recording about newly hired personnel. Review will be made to the Human Resources Department end of the each month during the three months. First two months will contain initial reviews, and last month will be taken final reviews for employees. Employee assessment Company name Employee name Identification Date/period Position 9.1 Records of Review Importing point in a review report is that it gives healthy and true decisions about newly chosen personnel and provides much strangest workforce for the organisation in the future. Following things should be recorded Attendance Punctuality Appearance dress code Attitude-positive, cooperative Work quality Workplace-care of company equipment Team work skills 10. Monitoring and Review of a Human Resource Plan Human resources plan provide a framework for a company for that as a Human resource manager of the related company I can follow companys missions and daily operations by regarding plan and also I can understand what priorities I need to know as I guide the employees to help the company succeed as well I can be sure whether all staffing needs are met or not. According to the topic, firstly I have to thing about new product in the organization and sales staff that has also employed newly. For example as a human resource manager I arranged a staff training program for related person and also I chose another person who will be responsible for monitoring system. By this responsible person I will follow all performance and capabilities of new staff and also I will be reported about the all situations among the training such as staff training has been completed by a certain date or not. After this training process I can manage a survey which indicates the results of customer satisfaction an d therefore I can make a review about my resources plan which has achieved to present new product by my new training staff or not. PART B According to case study, Sports Gear that is a medium size company will need to increase its production for the Australian Team in the World Cup within 6 weeks which needs to be more than the current level in order to meet the expected demand. 1. Expenses for the new operational plan To increase productivity we need following things, More stafff for night shift More machinery. Time schedule should be extended to 24hrs and 5 days a week for next 6 weeks. Organize extra arrangements for catering and refreshments for the working staff. 2 extra supervisors for night shifts. Ordering extra raw material. Extra room for storage and vehicles for distribution. All of the above will lead to increase the company’s current expenses. For that Sports Gear need to extend their company’s budget. For example, company need to provide more wages for more staff and extra supervisors, more usage for more electrical expenses, more budget for extra order for raw material, more requirement of fuel oil for distribution during the 6 weeks, etc. 2. Monitor performance of the staff to increase productivity Garry can monitor his staff performance by:- Establishing cctv cameras and recording and viewing all the staff members while working. Setting daily targets for each supervisor and each staff. Staff attendance records. Amount of waste production for each staff which shows they are doing their responsibility in right way or not. 3. Budget of the company and its use Budget is a list of all planned expenses and revenues. It is a plan for saving, borrowing and spending. A reasonable budget allow you to do what you want it helps to be business in right direction The company uses the budget because it provides:- Planning, Set expectations, Consideration, and Guidance Control finances Help to achieve target Helps to prevent loss. 4. Documentation used for developing a business budget Budgeting is the basis for developing supportable financial plans. The documents developed by the company as a result of these instructions are a normal part of the annual budget effort. provide a consistent basis for business planning and budget reviews, facilitate any necessary budget adjustments, provide transparency and a clear audit trail, support rate case filings, assist external reporting with their communication to the investment community, and Keeping the record of budget and getting it checked by the senior personnel.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Jane Addams Essay -- essays research papers

Social studies is defined by the Board of Director of the National Council for the social studies as, the integrated study of the social sciences and humanities to promote civic competence. Within the school program, social studies provides coordinated, systematic study drawing upon such disciplines as anthropology, archeology, economics, geography, history, law, philosophy, political science, psychology, religion, and sociology, as well as appropriate content from the humanities, mathematics, and neutral sciences. The primary purpose of social studies is to help young people develop the ability to make informed and reasoned decisions for the public good as citizens of a culturally diverse, democratic society in an interdependent world. There are two main characteristics of social studies as a field of study. First is social studies promoting civic competence, the knowledge, skill, and attitudes of a student needed to assume "the office of citizen" in our democratic republic. The National Council for the Social Studies considers civic competence as a main goal for social studies. The NCSS says, students who learn these skills in social studies will help shape the future of a democratic society. The second characteristic of social studies is the social studies program, K-12, integrates knowledge, skills, and attitudes within and across disciplines. A third characteristic is one in which social studies programs help students construct a knowledge base and attitudes drawn from academic disciplines as specialized ways of viewing reality. This can be achieved with courses such as, history, geography, political science, sociology, and language arts, English and fine arts. Examples from each help students experie nce concepts reflectively and actively, through reading, thinking, discussing and writing. The fourth characteristic of the social studies program is the demonstration of the changing nature of knowledge, fostering entirely new and highly integrated approaches to resolving issues of significance to humanity. The social studies program should help students gain knowledge of how to know, how to apply what they know, and how to participate in building a future. A well designed social studies curriculum will help each student achieve a blend of personal academic, pluralist, and global views of the human condition with a personal perspective, acad... ...rograms prepare young people to identify, understand, and work to solve problems. Assumptions about social studies as a school subject include social studies as diverse, all students should have access to the full richness of the social studies curriculum, teachers need adequate time and resources to teach social studies well at every grade level, and social studies teachers need to treat the social world realistically and address its controversial aspects. The vision of powerful social studies teaching and learning comes from the goals and purposes of social studies, the assumptions, and the available research and scholarships. Social studies teaching and learning is powerful when they are meaningful, integrative, value based, challenging and active, all of which are equally important. Powerful social studies teaching and learning is likely to become more common when assessment approaches at all levels focus on measuring progress toward social understanding and efficacy goals; t eachers benefit and education receives support from administrators, parents, the local community, and government agencies; and the nation successfully meets ceratin currently recognizable challenges.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Nonverbal Communication: Emotions

Nonverbal communication is playing nowadays one of the most important roles in organizations and companies, because it is the only source of mutual understanding among employees and customers, directors and suppliers, etc. Apparently, one of the wide-spread barriers to communicate emotions is hierarchy or status. Hierarchy affects communication of emotions, because the fact that a person is a boss certainly creates barrier to open and sincere communication. Boss is responsible for determining rewards and penalties and thus he is often treated negatively. Therefore, the only way to improve the situation is collaboration approach meaning that boss has to motivate employees to share information and, furthermore, he has to introduce rewarding systems for skillful employees to show that he really respects their work. Other obstacles involve cultural differences, dreaming, flittering, judging, analyzing and many others. Understanding how to communicate emotions effectively will help to promote creating smoothly working project teams; responding to customers, clients, and markets; living and working in a culturally diverse world. Effective nonverbal communication skills are really important, because they will assist in better company’s performance either in domestic or international market. In a modern swiftly changing world people and cultures are circulating and interacting as at a really dizzying speed. Those people who know how to use emotions and how to communicate them effectively have a crucial advantage over others. Emotions are very important in group communications. The main benefits of communication emotions are that they replace verbal communications, complement verbal communication enhancing the message sent and express interpersonal attitudes, thoughts and feelings. The possible ways to improve communication of emotions are smile making the communication more pleasant, friendly and warm; trust and honesty in business relations; ability to help and assist others in resolving internal conflicts. References Collins, Susie. (2005). How To Dramatically Improve Communication in Your Relationship and Start Getting More of The Love You Really Want In Just One Evening. Retrieved January 8, 2007, from http://www.communication-magic.com/ Â   Â   Â   Â  

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Psychological Terror in “the Minister’s Black Veil”

I think that, as a general rule, humans love to categorize things. We like to organize things. We like things to fit into our neat, little organized view of reality, whether it’s a can of soup we buy, a movie we watch, or a person we meet. Everything needs to fit into some sort of category and if it doesn’t fit, we create a category for it to fit into. Categories give us certain expectations about the thing we are dealing with. Stories are no exception to this idea. For example, a romance novel should be romantic, obviously; but we would assume that it also contains some sort of conflict for the hero or heroine to overcome, which eventually leads him or her to their true love, or some sort of happiness at the end. But what effect do these expectations have on our interpretation of a story? Since my goal with this essay is to attempt to categorize the â€Å"The Minister’s Black Veil† by Nathaniel Hawthorne, I will need to investigate what characteristics are present, in hopes that these characteristics will lead me to some sort of definitive answer about the genre of this story. First, we must look at the elements of the story; tone and diction are very important when trying to categorize a story. The tone of the story is somewhat gloomy, and quite isolated. We are drawn into this small town’s world, as they become increasingly terrified of Minister Hooper and his strange veil. And the way the congregation of Hooper’s church see the veil when he first wears it makes it seem as though it was something much more sinister than a â€Å"simple piece of crape† (938). As he preaches about â€Å"secret sin, and those mysteries which we hide from our nearest and dearest† (938), no one can see his face, and thus everyone feels as though Hooper is looking at them, directing his sermon at them: Each member of the congregation, the most innocent girl, and the man of hardened breast, felt as if the preacher had crept upon them, behind his awful veil, and discovered their hoarded iniquity of deed or thought. Many spread their clasped hands on their bosoms. There was nothing terrible in what Mr. Hooper said, at least, no violence; and yet, with every tremor of his melancholy voice, the hearers quaked. 938 The congregation is so unsettled by this strange addition to the Minister’s visage that they cannot stop thinking about it during his sermon; â€Å"[s]o sensible were the audience of some unwonted attribute in their minister, that they longed for a breath of wind to blow aside the veil, almost believing that a stranger’s visage would be discovered, though the form, gesture, and voice were those of Mr. Hooper† (938). No one is immune to the terror that this black piece of crape invokes. The entire town is on edge and speculative as to what the veil means. And the words used to describe the veil and its effects are definitely indicative of this fear; â€Å"terrible thing† (939); â€Å"ghostlike† (939); â€Å"horrible† (940); â€Å"gloom† (940); â€Å"dismal shade† (941). This piece of fabric has separated Hooper from his beloved congregation. While they thought him a happy and benevolent man before, they now feel fear and distrust when they see him. One lady of his congregation remarks, â€Å"I would not be alone with him for the world. I wonder that he is not afraid to be alone with himself† (939). But Hooper is not immune to the sinister effects of the veil. At the wedding he officiates later the same day, he sees his reflection, and what he sees terrifies him: At that instant, catching a glimpse of his figure in the looking-glass, the black veil involved his own spirit in the horror with which it overwhelmed all others. His frame shuddered, his lips grew white, he spilt the untasted wine upon the carpet, and rushed forth into the darkness. For the Earth, too, had on her Black Veil. 940 If we take â€Å"The Minister’s Black Veil† as a horror story, it leads us to certain conclusions about the nature of the veil and Hooper’s refusal to take it off. If horror is something that centers upon the horrifying or macabre, especially concerning the supernatural, one can see that this story could belong. Hooper never divulges the exact nature of the veil, and we are left to speculate about what it could possibly mean. Several possibilities present themselves if we think of this story as a horror story; it could be that the veil is covering Hooper’s face to be a constant reminder to his congregation and all who see him of secret sin. It seems that the idea that he could possibly know someone’s secret sin is terrifying to the townspeople. Indeed, this veil does give Hooper â€Å"awful power over souls that were in agony for sin† (943). Sinners fear him, because they feel that the black veil is a reference to their own personal secret sins. And the veil gives him an association with the dead and ghostly qualities; after the girl’s funeral at the beginning of the story, one woman remarks that she thought she saw Hooper walking hand in hand with the ghost of the dead girl. Such things would not have been imagined if he had never donned the veil. But however terrifying the veil is, I think this story lacks any visceral or shocking scenes. The idea of the veil hiding sins, the image of it on Hooper’s face is incredibly creepy, to be sure. But I think horror stories especially rely on the supernatural and the unknown to make them unsettling. And while this story does use the veil as an unknown, and it is unsettling, I think that the part of the story that really gets to me is the psychological torment and uneasiness that the veil casts not only on the townspeople, but on Hooper himself. Let us take the definition of a psychological story as something that focuses on the mental and emotional aspects of the characters. The terror in this story, then, is largely in the way that this simple piece of fabric gets under everyone’s skin. It isn’t a horrifying object in and of itself, and I think that is what draws me away from thinking of this as a horror story. This black piece of crape is enough to turn people against Hooper. They avoid him, stop inviting him over for dinner, picture him capable of all sorts of acts that they never would have thought him capable of prior to the veil. And imagine Hooper’s existence. He has vowed to wear the veil until death! No one knows why, although when explaining to Elizabeth why the veil must always be kept on, he says that â€Å"I, perhaps, like most other mortals, have sorrows dark enough to be typified by a black veil† (941). What sorrows these are, we never find out. This again plays a large role in the psychological aspect of the story: we never know exactly what drove Hooper to end his days with the black veil on his face. Perhaps it is related to the girl that died at the beginning of the story; he first wears the veil the same day as her funeral, and in Perkins footnote to â€Å"The Black Veil†, Hawthorne is shown to have made reference in his own footnotes to Joseph Moody, a clergyman in New England who accidentally killed a friend of his in his childhood. After his friend`s death, Moody wore a black veil until his own death (Perkins and Perkins, 937). Perhaps Hawthorne`s reason for detailing this true story with â€Å"The Minister’s Black Veil† is a clue; if we take Hooper’s black veil as a sign of his own personal sin, and he is wearing the veil as a reminder to himself that he is a sinner, and can only be redeemed after death, then all of the effects that the veil has on the townspeople are unintentional. I think that this idea is very plausible. Hooper was generally thought to be a pushover by his congregation, who thought that it must be a phase that he would get over and take the veil off. But Hooper’s strange dedication to the veil does seem to indicate some sort of personal attachment to the idea of secret sin. Perhaps he did have something to do with the girl’s death, or was in a relationship with her before she died. Either way, the presence of the veil seems to indicate that he feels guilty about something, and feels that it is necessary to always live behind this veil as a result of that guilt. That it has an effect on other people is secondary; or at best preventative: maybe Hooper is attempting to thwart other’s sins by making public that he has his own. (1487) Works Cited Hawthorne, Nathaniel. â€Å"The Minister’s Black Veil. † The American Tradition in Literature. Ed. George Perkins and Barbara Perkins. 12th Ed. Vol. 1. Toronto: McGraw Hill, 2009. 937 – 945. Perkins, George, and Barbara Perkins. Footnote 1 to â€Å"The Minister’s Black Veil†. The American Tradition in Literature. Ed. George Perkins and Barbara Perkins. 12th Ed. Vol. 1. Toronto: McGraw Hill, 2009. 937 – 945.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Being Filipino essays

Being Filipino essays I guess most Filipino have a lot of pride. They are the ones that have screen names like pinoy this or pinay that. Let me explain what a pinoy is, it is a Filipino boy and a pinay is a Filipino girl. Filipinos be representing especially with the little flags in their car window like me. The type of cars that you would usually see those flags are in those little rice rockets called Hondas. Most of the younger generation that show the most pride dont really know their own culture. The younger generations of Filipinos seem to have all this pride in being Filipino which you should be proud to be but lose there culture. Most young Filipinos dont even know how to speak the language or cant even understand the language. If you ask me to talk in Filipino I wouldnt be able too. I bet if you ask a majority of Filipino teenager if they could speak Filipino they wouldnt be able to. The reason I believe why Filipino teenagers cant speak is because English and Tagalog (Filipino dialect) are the two main languages in the Philippines and when they immigrate here the main language is English so most parents would just speak to there children in English. So I guess partly that it isnt our fault being emersed in American culture and not knowing how to speak contribute to the loss of our culture. A lot of Filipinos now know that they are losing their culture and are doing something about it. Most colleges and university have a Filipino clubs, which set up performance, and talent show showing traditional folk dance and music. This is great for many youth to learn about Philippines culture. Every year the Filipino youth association holds a festival showing dance and different types of the Filipino culture to the younger generation. These things do attract the teenage audience and allows them to learn and have fun while there doing it. Filipinos came from the Philippines and came here to ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Spanish Expressions Using Ir

Spanish Expressions Using Ir Like its English counterpart to go, the Spanish verb ir can be used with an incredible variety of meanings. The meanings of phrases using ir cant always be determined logically merely by knowing the meanings of the individual words, so they are best learned through actual use or memorization. Using ‘Ir A’ as a Type of Future Tense By far the most common expression using ir is ir a followed by an infinitive. For most purposes, it is the equivalent of the English to go to followed by a verb. Thus voy a estudiar means I am going to study. This use of ir a is extremely common in Spanish, so much so that in some parts of Latin America it is the de facto future tense. It even has a name- the periphrastic future. (Something periphrastic uses more than one word.) Where it is in common use, it all but replaces the standard or conjugated future tense in standard speech. In other words, a sentence such as Vamos a comprar la casa can be translated as either We are going to buy the house or We will buy the house. Other Phrases Using ‘Ir’ Many of the other expressions using ir are formed by following ir with a prepositional phrase. Following are some of the most common. Keep in mind that some of the expressions here can also be translated literally. For example, while ir de has two idiomatic definitions given here, it can also be translated literally. For example: Mi tà ­a va de trabajo a trabajo. (My aunt goes from job to job.) ir a (or, less commonly, ir para) destination: to go to (a place). Fuimos a la playa. (We went to the beach.)Quienes fueron a Espaà ±a? (Who went to Spain?) ir en vehicle: to travel by (type of vehicle). Less commonly, the preposition por can be used instead. Voy en autobà ºs. (I am traveling by bus.)Nos iremos en taxi, porque no quisiera depender de nadie. (Well go away by taxi, because we dont want to depend on anybody.) ir para infinitive: to go to verb, to go in order to verb, to go for the purpose of verb. Vamos para conocer a mis padres. (We are going in order to meet my parents.)Quiero ir para aprender espaà ±ol. (I want to go in order to learn Spanish.) ir para type of job or career: to go to become someone with the stated type of job. Pablo va para mà ©dico. (Pablo is going to become a doctor.)Debe ir para el candidato presidencial. (She should go become a presidential candidate.) ir gerund: to be doing something, usually with the connotation of doing so gradually or laboriously. Voy aprendiendo la leccià ³n. (I am slowly learning the lesson.)Él va construyendo la casa. (He is gradually building the house.) ir tirando: to manage or get by. Vamos tirando por mucha ayuda. (Were getting by with a lot of help.)Ahora con la crisis las cosas estn malas, pero vamos tirando. (Things are bad with the crisis now, but well manage.) ir andando, ir corriendo: to walk, to run. Va andando a la escuela. (He is walking to the school.)Fue corriendo a la escuela. (He ran to the school.) ir de: to be about or be the subject of (when said of a book, movie, speech, etc.) El seà ±or de los anillos va de un hobbit. (The Lord of the Rings is about a hobbit.)Romeo y Julieta va de amor. (Romeo and Juliet is about love.) ir de: to think of oneself as. Roberto va de inteligente. (Roberto thinks hes smart.)Los jovenes de esa escuela siempre van de invencibles. (The teens at that school always think theyre invincible.) ir de, ir con: to be dressed in. Él va con camisa blanca. (He is wearing a white shirt.)Ella va de azul. (She is dressed in blue.) ir de compras: to go shopping. Fuimos de compras. (We went shopping.)Es imprescendible que vaya de compras antes. (It is vital that he has gone shopping earlier.) ir por: to search for, to go in search of, to go for. Vamos por una casa nueva. (Were off in search of a new house.)Mis hijos iban por un regalo para mà ­ y ya no regresaron. (My children went to get a gift for me and still havent come back.)  ¿Cà ³mo indirect object pronoun ir?: How goes it (for you, him, her, etc.)? This concept can be expressed colloquially in many ways.  ¿Cà ³mo te va? (Hows it going?) ¿Cà ³mo le va a à ©l? (Hows it going for him?) irse por las ramas: to beat around the bush, to get sidetracked. El testigo se fue por las ramas. (The witness beat around the bush.)Ella solà ­a siempre irse por las ramas y nunca llegar al grano. (She would always ramble on and never get to the point.)

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Willam Blake (1757-1827) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Willam Blake (1757-1827) - Essay Example Industrial revolution that swept across Britain can be attributed to the emergence of romantic writing. Among the advocates of Romanticism, Blake’s poems and paintings demonstrated deep emotions including romance, passion, and aspiration to freedom as a genuine response to the chaotic social conventions of the time. William Blake, the prominent poet and painter was born in London as the son of a hosiery shop owner on 28 November 1757. He started his initial formation as a painter at the age of ten, at the art school run by Henry Pars in Strand. After his four years of learning at Pars, he was apprenticed to James Basire and seven years later by 1778 he joined the Royal Academy where he mastered drawing using living models (William Blake1757-1827, BBC). Blake’s first volume of poetry was published in 1783 encouraged by the great artist of the time, Flaxman. Blake explored the scope of integrating painting with book writing and in 1788 he initiated illuminated book Ã¢â‚¬Ë œThere is no Natural Religion’ followed by Songs of Innocence, Songs of Experience, Book of Thel and many more throughout the subsequent years. He was indeed a versatile writer and poet who performed all efforts himself for printing his illuminated books. Blake’s other famous works include the Book of Job (1825), and Pastorals of Virgil (1821).